Aligning Business Strategies

Why I can not program as well as before?

I got 10 days off to work at home for having best working condition but i could not progress even a bit. should i step down from programming job. earlier i was top performer. i could manage to setup up ERP solution. i could integrate Microsoft CRM with ERP module. I could write complete payroll and attendance module. now i come to production these are going very tough for me. i decided to say to my boss that i cannot program any more. please consider that i am working in trading company.

  1. Simon Belmont says

    I think you need vacation. You´re burned out and need some rest before continue.
    There is no problem, sometimes this happens for the best of us.
    If you haven´t this option (vacation), work by little pieces, the easiest first and so on, ask for help and talk with your boss that you´re having some personal problems and need more time this time to accomplish your tasks.

  2. SadPanda says

    Practice. Give yourself little problems and solve them first in your native tongue, then with python, then with the c family and keep moving on using lisp, perl, ruby and more. I’d avoid any basic like visual basic because they teach poor format and bad habits.

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