Aligning Business Strategies

Updates for the basic list and campaign management capabilities for

With this post wed like to document notable updates and bug fixes that we have been rolling out and also announce what’s coming up in the next release trains.

Release Rollout
August rollout, build 9.0.1907.nnnn TBD
July rollout, build 9.0.1906.41nn Planned start 7/5, complete TBD
June rollout, build 9.0.1905.4008 completed 6/14 worldwide
May rollout, build 9.0.1904.1018 completed 5/31 worldwide
April rollout, build 9.0.1903.2001 completed 4/14 worldwide
March rollout, build 9.0.1902.3014 completed 3/29 worldwide


If you are interested in receiving an early build with these fixes, please register with the preview program or reach out to Microsoft.

Notable updates and bug fixes planned in the 7.n release train

August rollout, build 9.0.1907.nnnn (start TBD, finish TBD)


  • (1318861) Traditionally, Quick Campaigns do not allow you to send email with a body larger than 80 KB. For the Unified Interface, a warning dialog will inform users if the content in the email body exceeds this size.

Bug fixes

  • TBD

Notable updates and bug fixes planned in the 6.4 release train

July rollout, build 9.0.1906.41nn (start 7/5, finish TBD)


  • (1469773) An improvement that provides an optimized code for adding members to marketing lists for all volumes.
  • (1476905) If more than 30,000 members get added to a marketing list, an asynchronous mechanic is now provided. The management dialog will close at once and members can be found later, asynchronously in the marketing lists. The mechanic will asynchronously add members in batches of 5,000. It employs an automatic retry strategy if any conflicts occur and adjusts the batch volumes. We believe this increases the stability for large member list volumes.
  • (1403870) An additional form variant for the marketing lists form has been added on customer request that allows customers to use the traditional design of the marketing lists form, which shows the members grid on the main tab pushed between details and the subgrids for Quick Campaigns and campaigns.
    We recommend adopting the new and default layout with the separate member tab that provides more space and details.
    We’d also like to point out that the marketing lists forms are now more resilient for custom form layouts.

Bug fixes

  • (1492926) A fix for a situation where campaign activities remained in the pending state, when distributing for certain channels (letter, fax, email via mail merge).
  • (1498111) A fix for the member export to Microsoft Excel with customized views that include fields from related entities.
  • (1481932) An enhancement for the resilience of the locked flag on static marketing lists that prevents the management and removal of members.

Notable updates and bug fixes delivered in the 5.4 release train

June rollout, build 9.0.1905.4008 (start 6/7, finish 6/14 in EMEA and NAM)


  • (989947) An improvement that allows you to use customized views for the member grid on marketing lists to show a custom set of columns for marketing list members.

Bug fixes

Several stabilizations for the new forms for Quick Campaign and Campaign Activity:

  • (1485115) A fix that always shows inactive audience members in the selected members grid on Campaign Activity and Quick Campaign after distribution. If campaign distribution is set to not address inactive members by using ‘Ignore inactive list members,’ then those members will not be addressed and will be listed under failures. This is the traditional behavior for campaign distribution.
  • (1480520) A fix for a situation where Quick Campaigns could not be created from the contact / account / lead home grid.
  • (1491540) A fix for the customization where customers change the regular grid control for the member entities to an editable grid. In that situation, the member grids for marketing lists did not show the lists’ members.
  • (1390292) A fix to align the Unified Interface member grid view to use the same default view as the traditional web client. For contacts, this is the “Contact List Members View” and respective views are used for Account & Lead.
  • (1442801) Reliability improvements for the Campaign Activity distribution and Quick Campaigns. Based on customer feedback, they sometimes appeared to be stuck in a pending state.
  • (1441401) Usability enhancements that make it easier to pick marketing lists for campaign activities.


We hope that this notification helps our customers to plan for the iterative improvements in the domain of basic list and campaign management capabilities for Dynamics 365 applications.

Christian Abeln, Program Manager, Dynamics 365

The post Updates for the basic list and campaign management capabilities for Dynamics 365 applications (June ’19 – August ’19) appeared first on Dynamics 365 Blog.

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