Aligning Business Strategies

Oracle Supports the Apple iPad on Siebel CRM

Oracle recently announced that Siebel CRM supports the Apple iPad, catering to users looking for a rich CRM experience on Apple’s iPad. Oracle’s Siebel CRM supports a rich graphical user interface on Apple’s iPad using the recently released REST (Representational State Transfer) interface. Oracle’s Siebel CRM now provides customers an option that mirrors the rich user interactions of Apple’s iPad to easily gain access to their critical customer information.

  1. peterlyeung says

    Are there any details about the architecture behind this? Does this Siebel CRM iPad client connect directly against Siebel on Premise? or is there sync’ing involved?

  2. scred says

    @peterlyeung It could connect to anything you want, but this is talking to Siebel On Premise. Keep in mind, there is no real oracle code or product on the iPad, you have to write the app yourself using the Apple Objective C XCode SDK. There is no “Siebel CRM on Apple iPad” here, any more than there is “Siebel CRM on Ubuntu” – it is an example of making an iPad application, not an available iPad application

  3. OracleCRM says

    Peter/Scred, there is a white paper that describes various techniques to build a Siebel client on the iPad. We are publishing a series of sample client and server code – for example, how to capture a signature which can then be attached to Siebel which triggers server workflows that completes a complex business process. We are also looking into SI partnerships to provide prebuilt clients that can be customized through implementations. So there is a lot more then just a DIY kit.

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