Aligning Business Strategies

Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop

Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop centralises essential business information in the familiar Microsoft Outlook environment complementing existing capabilities that Oracle CRM On Demand provides. Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop can be used to: – Manage Oracle CRM On Demand data – Links Oracle CRM On Demand data to Oracle CRM On Demand records from Microsoft Outlook. The user can manage accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities and activities, including appointments and tasks, directly in Microsoft Outlook. – Synchronise data – Performs bidirectional, incremental synchronisation between Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop and Oracle CRM On Demand. – Work while disconnected – Allows you to work with your records when you are disconnected from the corporate network or the internet.

  1. xjmy2003 says

    Nice demo

  2. esplin14 says

    well done :) – Ian L

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