Aligning Business Strategies

Open Source CRM: CiviCRM, MPower & SugarCRM This will be a tool centric session focusing on real users talking in detail about real tools. The vendors might be in the room, but they will not be doing the talking. We’ll start with Michelle Murrain doing a quick overview of general selection best practices based on her recent NTEN webinar. Then we move quickly to case studies that illustrate a very tool-centric view of implementing CRM… what problems do the tools solve? What problems do the tools create? How do the tools fit into the specific selection process the speaker underwent. Finally, we’ll have about 30% of the session dedicated to Q&A. People can ask questions about the implementation experiences, the decision making process and the tools themselves. Case studies will be done by a CiviCRM user, an MPower user and a SugarCRM user. Takeaways 1. Understand what happens to best practices when they crash into the real world. 2. Get a clear tool-centric view of how these tools meet CRM needs. 3. Ask your questions of in-the-trench CRM users.

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