mySAP CRM Interaction Center
First, learn about the technical principles of IC WinClient, IC WebClient and IC Management, including an introduction to the architecture and framework. The book focuses on customizing and enhancing basic functions, master data and transaction integration, as well as communication channels and customer-specific alerts. Highly detailed examples, used throughout the book, can be easily emulated – to the benefit of your own projects.
Based on actual projects that extend across various industries, business processes and company sizes, concrete business scenarios illustrate the technical aspects of customizing. Valuable insights on mySAP CRM Interaction Center usage options are guaranteed to benefit you, even if you have already implemented.
Highlights: Architecture and Design: Components, Business Scenarios and Processes Technical Principles: IC WinClient, IC WebClient, IC Management Customizing and Enhancement Options: Action Box, Transaction Starter, Worksp
List Price: $ 70.00
Price: $ 65.00
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