Aligning Business Strategies

Lifecycle Services – June 2019 (Release 1) release notes

The Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) team is happy to announce the immediate availability of the release notes for LCS June 2019 (Release 1) release.

Update applied as part of Microsoft managed service updates will not be available in project asset library

There was an issue where the package that was applied as part of the One Version or Microsoft managed service updates was not being saved to the projects’ asset library. As a result, if customers wanted to apply the same update to other environments within the project they would have to save the update from the tiles or get it from the shared asset library and then apply it. To add to that, if the customer wanted to do a self-update on their production environment after the sandbox environment was updated by Microsoft, they would have to re-apply the update on their sandbox so they could mark the package as a Release Candidate. With this release of LCS, we have fixed this issue and going forward the same package that is applied to your environments will be saved to your projects’ asset library so you can take this update and apply it to your other environments.

Production servicing support for environments deployed using self-service deployment

With this release of LCS, we have added support for updating production environments without any lead time or without any manual intervention. This is supported only for environments deployed using self-service deployments. The behavior for the production servicing flow is different than the current servicing behavior. To update your production environment, you need to apply the update to a sandbox environment and mark a specific update as a release candidate. An update includes both the base product and the customization, so if the update that is being promoted has resulted in the base product to change, then that change will also be reflected in the production environment when that update is applied. For details about how to use this new feature, see Update an environment.

Business Process Modeler (BPM) test case synchronization for Talent project

LCS Business Process Modeler (BPM) now supports Azure DevOps synchronization for test cases for the Talent project.


The post Lifecycle Services – June 2019 (Release 1) release notes appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

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