Introducing the Savvy Business Leaders podcast series
Savvy Business Leaders is a five-episode thought leadership podcast series featuring industry-leading influencers and some of the leading brands tackling emerging business challenges facing leadership teams today.
Host Bill Detwiler, Managing Editor of TechRepublic and Tech Pro Research, interviews leading experts to dive into key areas of business transformation, from relationship selling to connected field service, and beyond. He speaks with business leaders that have successfully navigated the business challenges using Microsoft technology, sharing insights uncovered in their digital transformation journey.
How to listen:
You can listen to individual episodes and view the transcripts with related content below. Or, listen on the go by searching for Savvy Business Leaders in the podcast category on iTunes, Google Play Music, and Spotify.
Episode #1: All your data through a single pane of glass
Renowned data journalist David McCandless shares simple strategies for leveraging data visualizations to reveal the meaningful insights organizations need to drive their business forward. Stuart Stock, CIO at Veolia UK, will share how the environmental resource management company is using Microsoft Power BI to transform the way their employees and customers analyze data to make data-driven decisions.
David McCandless Data Journalist, Founder of Information is Beautiful
Stuart Stock CIO at Veolia UK |
Episode #2: Sales expert Jill Konrath on data-driven sales strategies
Sales strategist Jill Konrath orients us to the changing landscape of sales relationships. She explains how access to information empowers salespeople to connect with and provide the greatest value to customers. Next, Jennifer Deutsch, CMO, and Michael Cantor, CIO of global data center maintenance organization Park Place Technologies, share how embracing sales enablement technologies brings new opportunities to advance their business goals.
Jill Konrath Relationship selling expert, keynote speaker, and author |
Jennifer Deutsch CMO, Park Place Technologies |
Michael Cantor CIO, Park Place Technologies |
Episode #3: Data strategies to overcome digital disruption in retail
Sucharita Kodali discusses the digital disruption of the retail industry. She provides valuable insight into building a data strategy to address these emerging challenges, including key considerations and guidance on where to start. Learn about the role of AI in the retail sphere, how connecting and consolidating data can ensure its integrity, and why automating processes improves customer experiences.
Sucharita Kodali Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, retail industry analyst
Episode #4: Futurist Brian Solis on reinventing field service management
Host Bill Detwiler talks field service management with Brian Solis, Principal Analyst and Futurist at Altimeter Group, and Paul Bean, CEO of Mining Worldwide at Sodexo. Brian Solis explains how disruptive technologies are enabling connected field service and unlocking new business models. Then, Paul Bean explains how they are harnessing these technologies to make early, informed, and holistic decisions.
Brian Solis Author, The End of Business as Usual and X: The Experience When Business Meets Design Principal Analyst and Futurist, Altimeter Group |
Paul Bean CEO of Mining Worldwide, Sodexo |
Episode #5: Differentiated value through customer service innovation
Brian Solis discusses how customer experience is guiding digital transformation, with companies using data to be more accessible on mobile platforms and best meet customers expectations. Jaclyn Wainwright, CEO of AiR Healthcare Solutions, explains how customer engagement tools enable her healthcare delivery company to anticipate patient needs.
Brian Solis Author, The End of Business as Usual and X: The Experience When Business Meets Design Principal Analyst and Futurist, Altimeter Group |
Jaclyn Wainwright CEO, AiR Healthcare Solutions |
Series host:
Bill Detwiler Managing Editor of TechRepublic and Tech Pro Research
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