Aligning Business Strategies


CRM and SAS and SPSS seem to be in every job descriptions nowadays. I know I learned SAS and SPSS back in college and I never used it since. So now, I need to re-learn that. Is there a way to revisit this through book or online or certificate class? And as for CRM- I would really like to learn this and be familiarize. The problem is that every job states that I must have knowledge or experience. First of all CRM wasn’t that popular before as now and second of all, where do people learn or gain experience to begin with if every single job requires it? Please help. Is it easier to learn Microsoft CRM or SAP CRM? And can I learn this through books or online? I know I have so many questions and I do appreciate any help or suggestions as this will tremendously help me in finding a new job. Thank you.

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