Aligning Business Strategies
  1. jmcaddell says

    This seems like a very creative and original ad, but…

    it is a direct copy of a famous cognitive experiment from scientists Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris of the University of Illinois–right down to the intruding gorilla.

    While watching the video, I saw the gorilla (the effect of knowing it was coming), but I missed something else important–some acknowledgement or attribution that this was derived from Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris’ work.

    And that, to me, is shameful.

  2. SterlingSadler says

    Nice work. keep it up. mean time come for social media marketing for esteembpo**com hffdkj

  3. SAPCRMTV says

    Thanks for the comments. Our understanding is that the research mentioned has fallen into common re-use. Having said that, we do agree that credit is due to the original researchers and we appreciate your pointing that out. We’ll strive to be more proactive in providing credit in the future.

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