Want to reduce the chance of customers’ spam filters blocking your email messages?Try authenticating your domain. Domain authentication is so essential, we’re requiring all Dynamics 365 Marketing implementations to authenticate their domains by April 2020.
This post gives you some background on the reasons forthis requirement and provides instructionsforauthenticating your domain by the April 2020 deadline.
The dangers of spam email messages
Every day, people are bombarded with spam email messages. At best, spam annoys recipients with unwanted advertisements. But spam can also contain dangerous viruses or phishing attacks. Without proof that email messages from your organization’s domain are authentic, your customers could treat your marketing campaign messages like spam and perhaps never open them at all.
Proving authenticity with DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)
The primary purpose of emaildomain authentication is to detect forged messages and domains, and thereby prevent spam, phishing, and other fraudulent activity. A method called DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) helps make these authentications possible. Domain authentication is implemented through the internet domain name (DNS) system, and is based on public/private key encryption and signatures.
DKIM offers important benefits:
- DKIM decreases the risk that spam filters will flag your email messages.Office 365 for example, requires all sending domains to be authenticated. If an Office 365 user receives an email message from an unauthenticated domain, the filter will automatically flag the message as spam.
- DKIM helps prove that you are who you say you are. Because DKIM uses public/private key signatures, recipients can validate that you are the legitimate owner of your domain.
Authenticate your domain today
To authenticate your domain with DKIM, follow the steps detailed in the Dynamics 365 MarketingAuthenticate a domain documentation.
If you’ve been reading our blog, you know we’ve been talking about the benefits of DKIM authentication for a while. You can also read more about how DKIM works in the domain authentication documentation. Please feel free to engage with experts, get updates, and ask questions by contacting support.
Dynamics 365 Marketing organizations are already doing a great job authenticating their domains. With your help, we believe that we can hit the goal of having every domain authenticated by April 2020. Doing so will strengthen customer trust and help ensure that your customers have the best chance of receiving your marketing email messages.
The post Authenticate Dynamics 365 Marketing domains by April 2020 appeared first on Dynamics 365 Blog.