Aligning Business Strategies

Deliver authentic customer service with Dynamics 365

Human interaction is at the cornerstone of every experience and today’s world has dramatically shifted what that means. Customers expect each touchpoint with businesses to be authentic, timely, and efficient, which has led to a rapid acceleration of customer engagement tools. Perhaps most important is customer service scenarios, where businesses must act on customer feedback to deliver in the moment. However, many businesses are falling short on this key activity, leading to more dissatisfaction and inefficiency.

61 percent of companies don’t close the loop with customers who gave feedback (Forrester)1

Customer service is paramount to the success and longevity of customer relationships. That’s why Dynamics 365 Customer Voice brings powerful data, sentiment, and satisfaction analysis to Dynamics 365 Customer Service. With easy-to-use tools, your team will be empowered with the right information at the right time. To learn more about how to get started using Dynamics 365 Customer Voice with Dynamics 365 Customer Service, read our free e-book, “The Power of Knowing Your Customers.”

Panduit boosts loyalty by automating surveys

Companies that emphasize customer service are at the forefront of delivering great experiences. They adapt their systems to meet customer demands while elevating how they operate in a digital environment.

Panduit, a global electrical and network infrastructure manufacturer, took this to heart as they rebuilt their customer service group into a broader customer experience organization. With Dynamics 365 Customer Voice and Customer Service, Panduit built a single platform to create a data-driven culture centered on the customer. They used survey results to track its Net Promoter Score as a strategic way to monitor overall customer sentiment and loyalty.

“For us, Dynamics 365 trumped its competitors because it’s such an easy platform to use. Now that [our customer service teams] get near real-time feedback in the voice of the customer, our advocates understand exactly what they need to change or continue doing” Jim Dillon, Director of Order Fulfillment, Panduit.

A connected service and voice of customer program doesn’t just impact the customer’s experience, it positively shifts how the company operations. Streamlined data and real-time insights into the customer make exceeding customer expectations simple, freeing up time for developers to work on other impactful projects. No longer can silo data be an effective form of understanding customers, and companies need to shift their systems into comprehensive platforms to provide the best customer experience.

Read more about how Panduit used Dynamics 365 to understand their customers.

Accelerate empathy and effectiveness of agents

Your customer service department is arguably the doorstep to your brand, products, and perception. From online chats to support agents, each avenue is a make-or-break moment for the customer and their relationship with your brand. These moments are built on two things: empathy and efficiency.

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice maximizes the effectiveness of the support you give customers, creating tailored interactions and cultivating longevity. Within Dynamics 365 Customer Service, chat agents can send surveys after a purchase or service, automatically capturing direct feedback. Additionally, surveys can be created as a feedback and customer service mechanism, giving businesses the opportunity to resolve complaints. Watch the video below to learn how to easily use surveys in Dynamics 365.

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Agents who have access to automatically analyzed feedback from Customer Voice can help customer service departments continually understand their customers. And, with automation tools, agents can gather satisfaction scores and utilize the data to create more effective and efficient service calls and support chats. True digital transformation of customer service departments starts with the customer and with quality data, but ends with authentic connections. The technologies of tomorrow can create unparalleled value for organizations as agents can continually learn about the customer, improve their own effectiveness, and elevate brands.

The future of connected customer service

Connectivity is essential in a digital-first world, not just with customers but within companies. While each department has its own responsibility, they can all interact with the same singular customer making it critical that everyone is aligned on who that customer is, what their satisfaction is, and how to deliver on their wants and needs. A connected environment increases the chances for a positive experience, even in situations where a response is needed quickly.

63 percent of companies don’t have a cadence of sharing in line with decision making (Forrester)1

Aligning technologies across the department, from voice of customer solutions to customer service solutions to your customer data platform, creates a wealth of unified data that all agents can tap into. This can create a level of consistency and proactiveness unmatched by competitors. Connecting technologies isn’t just about aligning on data, it’s also elevating the knowledge of agents and their understanding of customers. The future will demand tailored, consistent experiences, and creating a comprehensive solution that pulls all your data together for every scenario will leave a lasting impact on your valued customers.

Learn more

To learn more about listening to customers and aligning data across your organization, visit the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice website or start your free Dynamics 365 Customer Voice trial today.

To learn more about delivering great customer service, visit the Dynamics 365 Customer Service website or start your free Dynamics 365 Customer Service trial today.

Download our free infographic to learn more about Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

1- The State Of CX Measurement And VoC Programs, 2020, Faith Adams, Forrester, May 3, 2021.

The post Deliver authentic customer service with Dynamics 365 appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

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