Aligning Business Strategies

Salesforce: 87% of UK Customers Demand Digital Transformation

Salesforce, the world-leader in CRM solutions, recently introduced the fourth edition of its State of the Connected Customer survey. The report reveals that factors such as personalisation, empathy, convenience, and digital transformation are crucial to customer and brand relationships.

Chief Digital Evangelist at Salesforce, Vala Afshar, said that regardless of who companies sell to, they’re navigating a landscape that none of us could imagine at the start of the year. A sudden shift to digital isn’t the only challenge leaders are facing. Companies also need to listen and respond to customer demands for empathy, understanding, and innovation.

Customers Demand More

The recent report captures insights from over 1,000 business buyers and consumers across 27 countries. The key findings of the Salesforce report are:

  • Customer connections are crucial in crises: In the UK, 89% of customers say that how a business acts during a crisis demonstrates how trustworthy it is
  • Understanding and convenience drive differentiation: 56% of British customers say it feels like marketing, sales, and service groups in a business don’t share information. Better connections between all parts of the customer journey are essential
  • The digital imperative is here: In the UK 66% of customers say COVID-19 has elevated their expectations regarding the digital capabilities of brands. Digital-first behaviour is here to stay, and consumers are developing new habits that will last a lifetime
  • Customers want brands to demonstrate their values: Long-overdue issues with economic and social problems have come to the surface. 83% of British customers say the societal role of companies is changing, and brands need to show they care

Competing in the Current Landscape

As the customer journey becomes more complex, with various digital elements to consider, businesses hoping to differentiate themselves will need to look beyond their most immediate competition and evaluate how they compare to companies in other industries. 62% of consumers say their experiences with one industry change how they expect others to behave.

Today’s business leaders can’t afford to ignore the demands and needs of their target audience. To succeed in the future of sales, businesses will need to think about how it’s acting not just in the current landscape, but how it’s going to prove itself to its customers going forward. For most organisations, this will mean investing in more innovative technology, and spending more time listening to the feedback of consumers.


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