Aligning Business Strategies

Vibe Social Networking for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Sonoma Partners created Vibe — an application driven by Microsof Dynamics CRM data that enables users to see instant updates of the information they want to see, then comment and collaborate on it. Sales teams stay in the loop on key efforts from the marketing and customer service teams without having to click through multiple locations in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. How does it work? Start with a collection of data feeds, specific to a user, team or other group. Users select the feeds they want to see, so they get the information most relevant to them. Posts to each feed are made automatically based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM data or manually as contributions from other users. The end result: An environment for communities and collaboration in your organization that helps drive user adoption of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM system. Learn more about Vibe at

  1. mwittemann says

    Nice job, guys. The Community Edition was super-easy to install and start using. Having used both salesforce’s Chatter and your free Community Edition solution, I’d say Salesforce is overcharging!

  2. tysonar1 says

    @mwittemann…It’s interesting how everything MS says about their products in relation to Salesforce is simply we’re cheaper. They don’t really say anything about how their products add value over the competition or differentiate from their competition. The messaging is pretty much, hey we’ve caught up and we’re cheap. This app is another example of MS trying to play catchup once again. By the way, Chatter is free for everyone. How is free overcharging?

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