We’re proud to announce that you can now find learning paths and e-learning modules on Microsoft Learn specifically for Dynamics 365 Business Central.
You can use this new content to educate yourself about business functionality, or to brush up on how to use multiple currencies, for example. Microsoft Learn is a completely free, open training platform available to anyone who has an interest to learn about Microsoft products – check out the FAQ!
To help you get started, we provide learning paths for the complex and not-so-complex end-to-end processes:
This e-learning library has been developed in a partnership between the Business Central team and e-learning specialists from Microsoft and the partner community. New content will be added in the coming weeks, so go to https://aka.ms/learn, set a filter for Business Central, and start learning!
Best regards,
Margo Crandall, Business Applications Group Learn
Eva Dupont, Business Applications Content Experience
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